How Should I approach IG Growth?
We all know people who have been trying to grow their IG for years but clearly whatever they are doing is not working. We repeat the same steps, but the desired result is not met. Of course, your content is #1. For marketing purposes, you need to consider "what does a new user who comes to my page see?"
If you click a profile of a business and see low likes, no comments, low viewership... you'll probably skip by the page after a few seconds. Attention spans on social media are shorter than ever. We need the first impression to captivate the viewer and get them wondering about you.
This is where we come in.
It's been studied and proven that stronger engagement mixed with engaging content will perform best in terms of retention, new organic engagements, and ultimately organic follower growth. So why do so few accounts market properly? Lack of education, ego, and confusion all lead users to follow the mentality that they should just keep posting and magically one day they will grow. This is what leads many brands into oblivion. All record labels, big businesses and political PR teams use branding methods we provide. YOU NEED TO HAVE STRONG ENGAGEMENT POINT BLANK PERIOD OR NO ONE WILL CARE ENOUGH TO SEE WHAT YOU HAVE GOING ON!
How do I get this done?
1. For starters, use our views for reels, and likes for all posts (including reels). Whether you want to set it up to be done for you every time using our *auto services* or run your likes manually each post using our server- you have options. If you want cheap fast likes, we have those. If you want high quality USA based profiles liking the post, use our USA services or our organic likes engagement chat.
2. The next step is comments, we do not think fake comments are a good look. We offer them for users on a budget, but we STRONGLY recommend using only organic services for comments (such as our IG engagement comment chats) since this is what shows IG real people are engaging with you - which leads to your post being promoted to the explore page and being shown to new audiences. The mix of likes, views, and organic comments promotion will perform for you if you stay consistent.
3. The last step is followers. This is based on your personal preference. It's been proven that the more credible you look (more followers) the faster your organic growth speeds up. If you have 500 followers, you cannot realistically expect others to take you as a serious brand they would follow or pay $ to do business with. Our advice here is to find a solid desired target and boost followers incrementally after each post until the desired number is reached. The first milestone for anyone expecting to be taken seriously on instagram is 10k Followers.
4. Consistency. Once you've gotten your engagement up, your followers up, and are making sure you are hitting MINIMUM 20/30 organic comments per post driven from our chats- its time to keep things rolling and cash in on your efforts. We have managed over 2,000 instagram accounts and can attest this is the winning growth strategy in 2024. Don't follow this advice for a few posts and fall off. Stay consistent. Use locations for each post, and 5/10 relevant hashtags per post (#explore #newmusic #fitness etc...) Respond to all comments to double your engagement and perform even stronger on the explore page. If budget permits, run a few dollars worth of sponsored ads each post to reach more local users as well.
5. Done for you management. If you simply do not have time or do not want to market your own page using our resources, we have an in house management team that actively manages celebrity talent, politicians, and some of the biggest names in the music industry present day. We like to get our users on an introductory plan that covers 5 posts per month done for you before scaling up. Our team cares and is here to help you, we are not a marketing firm that scalps hardworking people we look to grow sustainably with you to reach your goals. Never hesitate to reach out to us in the ticket to be connected with a professional marketer. If you would like a done for you marketing plan right away, sign up below for our intro campaign!
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